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Account API

The account API allows users to query and manipulate their own account data.

Get account


Retrieve an account for a given Account ID

Example Response JSON

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "planId": "b3f60ba2-c1fd-4b3a-a23d-8e876e0ef75d"

Update account


Allows the user to change the account details such as name and email.

Changing the planId is not allowed and the request will be rejected. The response is the updated account data.

Example Request JSON

  "name": "string",
  "email": "string"

Example Response JSON

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "planId": "b3f60ba2-c1fd-4b3a-a23d-8e876e0ef75d"

Delete account


Delete an account.

Example Response JSON


Get account's plan


Example Response JSON

  "planId": "b3f60ba2-c1fd-4b3a-a23d-8e876e0ef75d",
  "planData": {
    "projectLimit": 0,
    "componentLimit": 0,
    "workerLimit": 0,
    "storageLimit": 0,
    "monthlyGasLimit": 0,
    "monthlyUploadLimit": 0

Create account


Create a new account. The response is the created account data.

Example Request JSON

  "name": "string",
  "email": "string"

Example Response JSON

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "planId": "b3f60ba2-c1fd-4b3a-a23d-8e876e0ef75d"

Account API Errors

Status CodeDescriptionBody
400Invalid request, returning with a list of issues detected in the request{"errors":["string"]}
401Unauthorized request{"error":"string"}
404Account not found{"error":"string"}
500Internal server error{"error":"string"}